how to run stable diffusion

Did you know that Stable Diffusion—a popular tool for generating AI-powered images—has been downloaded over a million times in just a few months? The growing interest in this model highlights a rising demand for tools that help people create stunning visuals, even without professional design skills. This post will walk you through how to set up Stable Diffusion locally on your computer. If you’re tired of waiting for cloud-rendered images or concerned about privacy, running this tool on your own machine offers a great alternative.

Stable Diffusion is a cutting-edge generative AI model that creates high-quality images from text inputs. However, the process of setting it up locally can feel daunting. From downloading the right software to configuring everything, it’s easy to get lost in the steps. But don’t worry—we’ve got you covered. This guide will simplify the process, breaking it down into manageable steps to help you get Stable Diffusion running smoothly on your computer.

What Is Stable Diffusion? 

Before diving into setup instructions, let’s briefly answer the question, what is Stable Diffusion? It’s a deep learning model that uses advanced algorithms to turn text descriptions into images. Unlike other image generation models, Stable Diffusion is particularly flexible, allowing users to fine-tune it or add custom data to create specific outputs. The model itself is based on a technique called diffusion modeling, where it iteratively transforms random noise into coherent images.

One key advantage of Stable Diffusion is that it’s open-source, meaning anyone can contribute to its development or customize it for their needs. Many industries, from marketing to game development, have found use cases for it, and with some basic knowledge of Python and machine learning, you can also integrate it into your projects.

How To Run Stable Diffusion Online 

Running Stable Diffusionlocally provides full control over the model and customization, but it requires a high-performance GPU and technical setup. If you don’t have the required hardware or prefer a more straightforward approach, running Stable Diffusion online is a fantastic alternative. Many platforms allow you to access the power of Stable Diffusion through your browser, offering ease of use without the need for installations or complex setups.

Here’s how to get started:

Hugging Face Spaces

hugging face spaces

Hugging Face, a popular AI community, offers a simple way to run Stable Diffusion through their Hugging Face Spaces. This platform allows you to explore different AI models without downloading or installing anything. To run Stable Diffusion online via Hugging Face:

  • Visit the Space: Go to the Hugging Face Stable Diffusion Space.
  • Input Text Prompts: Simply enter a descriptive text prompt, like “a serene mountain landscape at sunrise,” and hit “Generate.”
  • Download or Modify: Once the image is generated, you can download it or adjust your prompt for different results.

This platform is user-friendly, and although processing might take a few minutes, it’s highly accessible for beginners.

Google Colab

If you’re looking for more customization and control while still leveraging the cloud, Google Colab is a great option. It provides free GPU access and allows you to run Stable Diffusion using Jupyter notebooks without requiring a high-end local setup. Here’s how to run it on Google Colab:

  • Access the Notebook: Visit a preconfigured notebook, such as this Stable Diffusion Colab notebook available publicly.
  • Run the Notebook: The notebook will guide you through the setup steps, which usually involve installing necessary dependencies and connecting to your Hugging Face account.
  • Enter Your Prompts: After setting up, you can input your text prompts and run the cells to generate images.
  • Customize: Colab allows for more flexibility, such as fine-tuning the model or adjusting generation parameters like resolution and iteration steps.

One limitation is that Colab’s free tier may limit GPU usage after a certain period, but you can opt for Colab Pro for extended sessions.



Another great alternative is DreamStudio, an official platform by Stability AI, the creators of Stable Diffusion. DreamStudio provides a polished interface for generating images with Stable Diffusion, making it a perfect solution for users who want quick and high-quality outputs.

  • User-Friendly Interface: DreamStudio offers a slider to control various parameters, such as the number of steps, output resolution, and guidance scale, giving users a lot of control without needing any technical skills.
  • Flexible Pricing: DreamStudio operates on a token-based system, where you pay for the computational resources used. This makes it affordable for casual users while scaling well for heavy use.

How To Run Stable Diffusion Locally 

Step 1: Installing Python and Git

To run Stable Diffusion locally, the first step is installing the necessary software. You will need Python 3.10.6 and Git. Python is the programming language required to run the model, while Git is a version control system used to download the software.

1. Install Python: Visit the official Python website and download Python 3.10.6. After installation, verify it by opening your terminal (or command prompt) and typing python --version.

2. Install: Git Download Git from this page, then follow the installation instructions for your operating system. You’ll use Git to clone the Stable Diffusion repository later.

Step 2: Set Up GitHub and Hugging Face Accounts

Next, create accounts on GitHub and Hugging Face. GitHub will host the code repository you’ll be using, while Hugging Face is where you’ll download the Stable Diffusion model files. These accounts are essential for setting up Stable Diffusion properly.

Step 3: Clone the Stable Diffusion Web UI

Now that the basic tools are in place, it’s time to clone the Stable Diffusion web UI from GitHub. Follow these steps:

1. Open Git Bash or your terminal.

2. Navigate to a folder where you want to store the project, using the command:

cd path/to/your/folder

3. Clone the repository:

git clone

Once this is done, you’ll have a local copy of the necessary files to run Stable Diffusion.

Step 4: Download the Model from Hugging Face

Now it’s time to download the actual Stable Diffusion model:

1. Log in to your Hugging Face account.

2. Go to the model page, find the Stable Diffusion model, and download it.

3. Move the downloaded model into the stable-diffusion-webui/models/Stable-diffusion folder.

This will ensure that the web UI has access to the model files needed for image generation.

Step 5: Set Up the Stable Diffusion Web UI

Once the model is downloaded and placed in the correct folder, navigate back to the terminal. Use the following command to navigate to the Stable Diffusion directory:

cd path/to/stable-diffusion-webui

Run the setup script:


This script will install all the necessary dependencies and set up a virtual environment for the project. Be patient, as this process can take up to 10 minutes.

Step 6: Run Stable Diffusion Locally

After the setup script completes, you’ll be given a URL, typically something like:

Copy this URL into your web browser. You should now see the Stable Diffusion web UI running locally on your machine. From here, you can start entering text prompts to generate images.

Using Prompts Effectively

To generate the best results, you need to craft effective prompts. For example, instead of typing “dog,” try “a photorealistic image of a golden retriever running in a park at sunset.” Detailed prompts will yield more specific and high-quality images.

Troubleshooting Common Issues 

If you encounter issues during installation, they’re likely related to Python versions or missing dependencies. Ensure you’re using Python 3.10.6, as other versions might cause errors. If the model doesn’t load, verify that the file is placed correctly in the models directory.

Another issue could be hardware-related. Stable Diffusion requires a powerful GPU to run efficiently, and without one, the process might fail or take an excessively long time. If you don’t have a dedicated GPU, consider using cloud services like Google Colab to run the model.


Stable Diffusion opens a world of creative possibilities by allowing users to generate high-quality images from textual descriptions. While setting up the tool locally might seem overwhelming at first, following the step-by-step instructions provided simplifies the process. Whether you’re an artist, developer, or hobbyist, the ability to run this powerful AI model on your own machine offers unparalleled flexibility and privacy.

The next time you’re in need of quick, custom visuals, you’ll have the power of Stable Diffusion at your fingertips. If you’re ready to dive into the world of AI-generated art, setting up this model locally is a rewarding first step.

By following this guide, you now know how to run Stable Diffusion locally and can begin exploring the exciting potential of AI image generation on your terms.


By Xavier Reyes

Xavier Reyes is a technology expert with over 10 years of experience in product development, software engineering, and project management. Holding a computer science degree and an MBA, he combines technical knowledge with business insight in his writing. Xavier contributes to our blog on topics from product design to infrastructure, offering clear, in-depth articles that make complex subjects accessible. He's passionate about emerging tech, UX, and digital ethics.

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