html email

Did you know that HTML emails receive 34% more clicks than their plain text counterparts? That’s right! According to a study by Litmus, HTML emails significantly outperform plain text in terms of engagement. If you’re still sending plain text emails in Outlook, you’re missing out on a powerful tool to captivate your audience. But don’t worry – I’m here to help you make the switch and unleash the full potential of your emails.

The Plain Text Predicament

Plain text emails are like a sandwich without condiments – they get the job done, but they lack flavor. HTML emails, on the other hand, are a feast for the eyes. They allow you to add images, change fonts, include links, and create a visually appealing layout. But how do you make the switch in Outlook? Let’s dive in!

Outlook Switch to HTML: The Basics

Before we jump into the nitty-gritty of HTML emails, let’s start with the basics. Switching from plain text to HTML in Outlook is a bit like upgrading from a bicycle to a car – it’s a game-changer, but you need to know where the controls are first. Don’t worry, I’ll walk you through each step. Are you ready to take your emails from drab to fab?

Check Your Current Format

Before we begin, let’s make sure you’re actually using plain text. Here’s how:

1. Open a new email in Outlook

2. Look at the “Format Text” tab

3. Check which option is highlighted: “HTML”, “Plain Text”, or “Rich Text”

If it’s set to “Plain Text”, you’re in the right place. Let’s change that!

How to Switch to HTML in Outlook

Changing to HTML is easier than you might think. Follow these steps:

1. Open a new email message

2. Go to the “Format Text” tab

3. Click on “HTML” in the “Format” group

Voila! You’ve just switched to HTML. But we’re not done yet. Let’s explore how to make the most of this new format.

Outlook Change to HTML: Advanced Techniques

Now that you’ve made the switch to HTML, let’s take your email game to the next level. HTML opens up a world of possibilities for creating visually stunning and engaging emails. But with great power comes great responsibility – it’s important to use these features judiciously to enhance your message, not overwhelm it. Ready to dive into the exciting world of HTML email customization?

Customize Your HTML Emails

Now that you’re using HTML, the world is your oyster. Here are some things you can do:

  • Add images and logos to your email
  • Change font styles and colors
  • Insert hyperlinks and buttons
  • Create tables for organized information

Create HTML Email Templates

Why reinvent the wheel every time? Create HTML templates for recurring email types. Here’s how:

1. Design your perfect HTML email

2. Click “File” > “Save As”

3. Choose “Outlook Template” (.oft) as the file type

4. Save your template

Now you can use this template for future emails, saving time and ensuring consistency.

Troubleshooting HTML in Outlook

Sometimes, things don’t go as planned. Here are some common issues and their solutions:

1. Images not displaying: Check your image file paths

2. Formatting looks different on mobile: Use responsive design techniques

3. HTML not working for recipients: Ensure they can view HTML emails

Remember, not all email clients render HTML the same way. It’s always a good idea to test your emails across different platforms.


Will switching to HTML affect my email deliverability?

Generally, no. However, poorly coded HTML can trigger spam filters. Use clean, well-structured HTML for best results.

Can I switch back to plain text after changing to HTML?

Absolutely! Just click “Plain Text” in the “Format Text” tab.

Does Outlook automatically create a plain text version of my HTML email?

No, Outlook doesn’t automatically create a plain text version. Consider creating one manually for accessibility.

Can I edit the HTML code directly in Outlook?

Yes, you can. Go to “Format Text” > “HTML” > “Edit Source” to access the HTML code.

Will my HTML emails display correctly on all devices?

Not always. Use responsive design techniques and test on various devices for best results.


In conclusion, changing your emails from plain text to HTML in Outlook opens up a world of possibilities. You can create more engaging, visually appealing emails that are more likely to be read and acted upon. Remember, the key to great HTML emails is balance – use the features to enhance your message, not overshadow it.

So, are you ready to make the switch? Your recipients’ inboxes are waiting for your beautifully crafted HTML emails.


By Mia Schmitt

With a Master's degree in Human-Computer Interaction from Stanford University and a background in computer science, Mia seamlessly bridges the gap between design thinking and technical implementation. Her work has been featured in leading tech publications, and she's been a speaker at conferences like SXSW and UX Week.

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